Book your appointment today

Pick the most relevant appointment type for you and we will guide you through the online booking process. Once you book your preferred slot we will also send you a confirmation with the details of your appointment.

Book your Private or GESY-qualifying appointment with a fully qualified and experience General Practitioner (GP). You will be able to choose between an in-person or video/telephone consultation.

Benefit from a preventative health check that uses medical and non-invasive tests to give a current health and wellbeing overview.

Our award-winning skin and wellbeing clinic is delivered exclusively by doctors. If you are a new customer we will firstly provide an extensive skin care & beauty review in person in our state-of-the-art 360 Medical facilities. We will tailor any no-obligation treatment suggestions to your needs and skin type. Click here for a list of treatments provided.

We provide medical certificates and medical reports for most official reasons. We put a great deal of effort to make your experience as effortless as possible.

Using state-of-the-art technology, we are proud to offer you the authentic Soprano ICE Platinum, 3D Laser Hair removal

Book your holistic weight management appointment to review your options, including weight-management medications, and make a bespoke plan for an effective and long-lasting weight control

The travel health clinic is here to keep you safe on your travels. This is a one-stop clinic for all the specific advice (such as malaria prevention), vaccinations and health checks you need for your chosen travel destination.